02 June 2018

Pondering God (Part 16)

16 May. Continuing our thoughts and pondering of God. Who is He? Today, God is Author. I love to read, and am frustrated this week that my time is fully engaged in other things, preventing a quiet night with a good book. But I do get to read highlights of the news in the paper, and some kind comments from others on FB and emails. But an author. That's another category of writing altogether, you know?
Do you know the Strong's Concordance? Look what it says about this word. 795 [747] archeÅ“gos, n. [806 + 72]. author, originator, founder; leader, ruler. These are the variant renderings of the Greek word. The one who starts things. He initiates. He authors something significant according to the writer of the book of Hebrews. "Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (12.2)
Yeshua is the author of faith.
He initiates faith. He helps us in our weakness to gain faith.
He fills us with faith in Himself. 
How did He do that? He went to the cross in Jerusalem, was executed for crimes He didn't commit, enduring all that suffering for the joy of bringing us to His Father.
Wow, that's authorship. That's taking the initiative. That's love. 
He's not the author of confusion.(1 Cor. 14.33). He wants you to have peace and the joy of knowing the Father. Today...why not pray and ask Him for such peace today. Even now.

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