16 June 2018

If I could speak with Charles Krauthammer...

Today I wrote this as a "Letter to the Editor" of the Mercury newspaper in Pottstown Pennsylvania

Kathleen Parker wields a glorious pen in her praise of Charles Krauthammer. He is deserving, of course, as her story-after-story recounts. I only know him from afar, living in Australia, but watching and reading him over the decades.I wish I could know him, even in his last weeks. I think I would be better for it. And maybe I could share a bit of eternity with him.
I met Kathleen 18 years ago or so in South Carolina, and I became enamored with her, her style, and dare I say, she is a great storyteller herself. 
The mingling of both these legends in one story... I'm very grateful to have found this link. 

I wrote that I would value meeting him. And that maybe I could share eternity with him. By that I mean something significant which could transpire if I met with him. I have prayed for Charles since I heard the announcement of his weeks-to-live. I wish him only the best. And painless endings. I don't know if this is possible, but I wish him ease at the end.

He is a noble man who took on political right and left with equal care and intelligence. He is a Jewish man, who speaks fluent French and English, and probably other languages. He certainly speaks the language of integrity. He lived in Montreal and his parents were Orthodox Jews, but he (according to reports) is rather dismissive of the Jewish requirements. I get that. I grew up an Orthodox Jew in Kansas City. He was born in 1950; I in 1951. Our similarities end there as he went on to be a psychiatrist and brilliant global commentator. I became a high school mathematics teacher then became a minister among the Jewish people.

What would I share with CK? I would share with him that God has been with him all these years, even during the diving accident which left him paralyzed at age 22. That God wants to extend His love to him in the ending of his life. That God wants to know Charles personally, and to let Charles know particularly that His love is best demonstrated in the death and resurrection of Messiah Yeshua.

Most people don't think death has anything to do with life, but Charles has experienced that in the passing of his older brother, and in his own life in these days.

God loved the world so much that He sent His only son into the world, to die and rise again, so that whoever believes in Him would not perish in eternity, but would have everlasting life. That's a hope on which we can anchor our lives. And our eternity. And I wish that for CK.

The messianic message is the hope of the world-- that Yeshua, born of a virgin, lived in Israel His whole life, killed ignobly by Roman soldiers after a horribly out-of-line legal proceeding, is alive and well. The One who raised others from the dead, who walked on water, and provided food for thousands with only a few fish and loaves... the story of Jesus... it's a story of life triumphing over death.

In these last days for CK, I wish him to know this triumph. That's the eternity about which I wrote. May God bless Charles Krauthammer, and all who know him.

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