30 December 2023

Replacement theology? What it just might be...

 For those who want to discuss replacement theology, this is a good way to introduce the issue. Or issues. 

I wrote on another's Facebook in answer to their question about this topic.

I think it's a misnomer. Most Christians believe in something like replacement. 
In Matthew 21:43 Yeshua says, “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people, producing the fruit of it." Who were those people to whom it was given? Jews. From whom was it taken? Jews. God replaced some Jews with other Jews. Yeshua chose the 12 Jewish apostles to lead the new community of faith when he departed. Did replacement happen? If not, you who dismiss the term should actually follow the rabbis in 2023. But you don't. Why not? Because you believe in 'replacement.' Those who follow Yeshua (Jews first, then also Gentile believers) have replaced those Jews who didn't follow him. 

A great read on this by Ligonier: https://www.ligonier.org/.../the-church-and-israel-in-the... especially dealing with 'true' Israel vs 'national' Israel.

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