14 June 2021

Scott Morrison and QAnon : The true story

 The true story

“This is a politically motivated slur against the Prime Minister and his family by a Four Corners program that is already facing serious questions about the accuracy, bias and credibility of its journalism, that is now giving credence to irrational Twitter conspiracy theorists and raising the profile of what the Prime Minister clearly deems a discredited and dangerous fringe group,” a spokesman for the Prime Minister said.


Exactly what else does the Auntie want from Kirribilli House? QAnon is not anything to which Morrison gives any credibility. 

Even so, the ABC spent an hour of prime-time TV tonight linking Scott Morrison to an individual whom he has known for over 20 years long before he was Prime Minister, and tried to slur our government with the nonsense of QAnon.

No reasonable person believes Q.

Come on, ABC, you are better than that. 

1 comment:

Bob Mendelsohn said...

Or is the ABC better than that?

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