27 March 2021

The rite of circumcision and a man meets Joshua


Living in the Promised Land: A study in the book of Joshua 

To view this online as a video: https://youtu.be/WnCRC0Vixzk

Lesson Five: Roll away iniquity: a study in sacraments 


A.     Introduction

1.     Greetings

Shalom to each of you here on the Zoom call and those who will watch this class lecture on YouTube later. For the first 25 minutes I will teach this section of the Bible then we will let everyone on the call into a conversation for questions and answers for the last half hour. This will include comments about all the themes or ideas that I will bring up. Further discussion happens even deeper in our D-Groups that happen over the next week and maybe some of you will conduct a D-Group on Shabbat. I want to ask you to consider whom you want to invite to join us here or in your home groups later. 

For those watching on YouTube please read the next Bible chapter before you watch the rest of this. Today we are discussing Joshua chapter 5. Go ahead and press pause, read the chapter, then press play on your machine and re-join us. Thanks.  Welcome back.

2.     Overview. [For those online, see this book overview from The Bible Project (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqOqJlFF_eU )


B.     Circumcision (.1-9)


God instituted something long before Torah in his relationship with Abraham, his friend. When Abraham was 99 years old, the Lord promised him a son, a different one than the 13-year-old in his house from Hagar his wife Sarah’s handmaid. The new son, whom we know now as Isaac, would be the son of promise. The agreement between God and Abraham would be sealed with a ceremony of circumcision. And no sooner had God given him the words of promise, than Abraham took Ishmael, the 13-year-old, and Eliezer, his own servant, and all the men of his household, and along with his own body, had every male circumcised (Genesis 17). That’s a substantial and visible covenant agreement. 

For the next few hundred years, every Jewish male entered that same covenant agreement on the 8th day of his life. To this day every Jewish male is still circumcised on the 8th day of his little life. A scientific note that I find fascinating is that according to all medical researchers, the highest level of the blood coagulant Vitamin K is highest in a man’s body on his 8th day of life. Who would have ever known that? Only God who designed us and who asked Abraham to begin this ceremonial agreement almost 4,000 years ago. Amazing. Who was circumcised? Jewish boys. In Egypt during slavery. In Auschwitz in the camps. In Europe in the Black Plague. Throughout our history this was standard practice.

Now I say that “every Jewish male entered that agreement on the 8th day of his life” but I leave out a generation that didn’t subscribe to that covenant. They took themselves out of the formula and out of that religious observance. Who was that? The generation that wandered Bamidbar. In the wilderness. During the 40 years before today’s reading’s event in chapter 5 of the book of Joshua, the Jewish boys born in the wilderness were not circumcised. The question of ‘why not?’ is not answered; it’s not even asked!

Beginning in verse 2, we read that Joshua commanded the people to reinitiate the ceremony. Why? Verse 7 says because none of them was during the last 4 decades. Simple. Or is it? 

Two questions I see in our text. One is in verse 2. The Hebrew word is “sheinit” meaning the 2nd time. Why does it say ‘a second time?’ Was there a ‘first time?’ Would you argue that the Genesis 17 account was the first time? That’s clear that it was in Abraham’s day that the ceremony began, or ‘was first’ installed. There is a tradition (Sifre) that the Jewish people gained their freedom in Egypt because of a national circumcision event just before the Exodus. They derive that, as all good halakhot, from Exodus 12.44 and .48

Ex. 12:44 but every man’s slave purchased with money, after you have circumcised him, then he may eat of it. 45 “A sojourner or a hired servant shall not eat of it. 46 “It is to be eaten in a single house; you are not to bring forth any of the flesh outside of the house, nor are you to break any bone of it. 47 “All the congregation of Israel are to celebrate this. 48 “But if a stranger sojourns with you, and celebrates the Passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near to celebrate it; and he shall be like a native of the land. But no uncircumcised person may eat of it.

That then, in Egypt, would be the ‘first’ event. When we entered the Land of Promise here in Joshua 3-4, then our first act would be a deutero-event, another mass circumcision event, thus ‘a second time.’ Another national event, if you will. 

[Reference: Obsidian: Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. Obsidian is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth. It is commonly found within the margins of rhyolitic lava flows known as obsidian flows.

Reference: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/sifra-and-sifre/]

Uncircumcision is a reproach (Gen. 34.14). And I believe, the issue is not when the first occurred, but rather that the covenant is renewed. That’s a theme throughout the book, and even the final charge by the aging Joshua at the end of the book. Will we honour God in our lives? Will we represent him well? 

Since you know what happened next, let’s back up and see verse one, then in context. The Jewish people had just passed through the Jordan River and set up stones to remember that magnificent moment. They wanted to remember God as our tour guide and protector. Thus the 12 stones. He is Sovereign. He is Mighty. He is with us. 

The news about God was not limited to Israeli national news. The nations of the Canaanites heard the news and their hearts melted. The Jews were coming; the Jews were coming! Like the Redcoats in the US revolution. The proclamation at Bunker Hill or here in the Promised Land is the same—the military forces are bigger than us. 

But ponder that for a moment. Were the military forces bigger than the Amorites or Canaanites? Not at all. But God had made the children of Israel look massive and dominating. He will do that again and again in this book, and dare I say, again in modern days like in the 6-day war in 1967 when the nations of the Arab League turned and ran in retreat due to the military might of Israel. God can make the weak appear strong. (cf Jericho, Samson, 1 Cor. 1.27)

Now back to the recent surgical episode. Verse 8. The men of Israel are now weakened. Their operations were successful and they remained in recuperation, until they were ‘healed.’ (Haya- living again). Look if one part of you isn’t working, if your toe is stubbed, if your ear has tinnitus, then nothing else really matters; it’s as if you are dead to the rest of the world and its woes or even its joys.

Verse 9 the name of the place is Gilgal. Why? Galal means rolling, like the rolling hills of the Galilee. Gilgal is where God rolled away the iniquity/ the reproach of Egypt. Not the reproach of the wilderness, but of Egypt. 

Davis says, “a note of irony there is in the wilderness generation.” He cites verse 5 that they had been circumcised but “they didn’t listen to the voice of Yahweh.” So he says, “hear the warning. You can have all the marks of the people of God but lack the response of the people of God. You can receive the sacrament but have no faith. ..you may live in the King’s country but reject his sovereignty.” (page 46)

Look back at verse 6. God swore twice. Once to the nation in rebellion and once to the Fathers. Be sure that God will accomplish his purposes and make happen his plans. What God did with the wilderness people does not negate his original plan and purpose for Israel. We are his. We belong to him. He made us. He is our shepherd. Even so, there are some who walk away from God’s plans and refuse to listen. There are those who know the truth, say, the truth about our own sinfulness and our need to repent, but they refuse. There are those who insist they know better about how to live their lives than what God said to do and how to treat others. Even Jewish people who are criminals in white collar crimes even here in Sydney.  That reality does not negate the truth that God keeps his promises and has sworn to Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob and David and more. 

C.     Passover and manna (.10-12)

Some timely food issues in the next three verses. Timely because for those watching this on YouTube or reading later, this lesson is being given on Erev Pesach. We start the chag tomorrow night. The lesson of the mention of Passover highlights the ending of the Exodus account and the mention of manna shutting off also helps us note food and timing.

The timing is critical. Verse 10 says this took place on “the 14th day of the first month.” Exodus 12 shows us that is when the terrible 10th plague befell the Egyptians and the actual exodus of the Jewish people took place. That was the beginning of our redemption; here in Joshua, that’s the ending of it. An inclusio it is. From start to finish, God wants to show off his capacity to redeem! He used the lamb, specifically the blood of the lambs to redeem us. 

There is no mention of lamb or horseradish in the Joshua story. The foods are barley and wheat, cereals, and a land flowing with milk and honey. 

The manna shut off. (verse 12) God is now providing for us, yet again, although a different method. The promises are being fulfilled. We don’t need the temporary fix of the manna. God will employ all kinds of methods, all kinds of supply, all kinds of energies to make happen his will. Yes, for 40 years God used manna. Now, he’s choosing to use something else. A whole lifetime we ate manna. In the same way the book began, “Moses, my servant, is dead…now Joshua…” so it is with the food of Moses. Manna, the food of Moses, is finished, … now cereals from the land…”

Friends, don’t be trapped by momentary or temporary fixes to things. God can use all sorts of methods to accomplish his purposes. Let him do so. Let him use donkeys or ravens. Let him use floods or droughts. Let him speak to you through sunshine or darkened tornado-inducing clouds. God has ordained; who can disannul his will? (Isa. 14.27)

Finally, the military campaign of conquest will begin

D.    Meet the campaign leader (.13ff)

Before we go on our first sortie to take the land, we ought to meet the leader. Watch this encounter between the recognized leader of the Jewish people, Joshua, and this no-name ‘man’. How Joshua is alone is beyond me. He has 12 men from the tribes; he has the Levites; he has the members of his own household, but as verse 13 begins, Joshua is alone with ‘a man.’

What do we need when we are going to take a country, to win militarily? We need generals, and a war room, plans, and much more.

The scene is odd, if not comical. A man stands, with sword drawn, and Joshua wonders “are you for us or for our adversaries?”  There is nothing by which Joshua can recognize the man. Nothing to identify him as being on our team or the other guys’. So a simple question makes sense. But Joshua should also have sought God. He will get in trouble later on for entering into a work agreement with some wanderers who don’t tell him the truth when such a question is asked.

Are you from one of the 7 tribes (whom I’m to kill?) or are you with us? Life is simple when it’s binary. 

The man says, “No, I’m the captain of the hosts of the Lord.” That means, I’m not on your team; I’m not on the team of the other guys. I’m the one who should be noted; who should be obeyed; who should be sought. This encounter reminds us of Abraham’s encounter (after the circumcision of Genesis 17, when three men came to him, and one, the angel (of healing: Rafael) came to minister to him (Genesis 18) by the oaks of Mamre. (18.22—only one was left; the other two went to rescue nephew Lot)

What was Joshua’s response? He fell down and worshiped in God’s presence. When God reveals himself as being with you, and you are with him, you have one possible response—worship. No argument. No theology class. No discussion—bow low and silently worship. 

Verse 14. “What has my lord to say to his servant?” I’m not the lord; I’m the servant. You’re the lord. I’m going to be on ‘your’ team!

I’m sorry I didn’t pray first; I didn’t seek God’s counsel. 

Verse 15- the man said, “Remove your sandals; the place you are is holy.” Just like Moses heard on Mt Sinai. Take off your human protections. Trust me. Walk with me. I’ll be with you. 

When Joshua is meeting the captain of the armies of the Lord, he is praying. He starts in prayer. And if you are ‘smart’ you will start each day, each enterprise, each lesson, each relationship similarly, with prayer. 

Imagine Joshua; encountering new things en route to Jericho, his first battle’s site, and he has to pray. He has to realize not everything is binary; he has to trust the Lord. 

That devotion to God, that turning to God, that recognition that “GOD IS THERE” is what makes a place holy. Take off your shoes; trust him, he’s there!


Dear friends, do you have such redemption today? if you have never asked Yeshua to be your Saviour, today as we keep learning from Joshua, would you choose to believe the Lord of life?   What does it mean to be strong and courageous in light of learning about Yeshua? Would you be willing to take a stand for him who took a stand and died on a Roman cross for you?

If you’d like to do that today, just now, join me as we pray.

Say something like this: “Father in Yeshua’s name, forgive me my sin, I was wrong to dismiss you and to disbelieve in you. I need your mercy. I deserve punishment but you are kind and merciful and I receive your grace. I repent. I receive Yeshua as my saviour and Lord. I will live because of my faith in Messiah Yeshua. Amen.

If you prayed that, please let us know of your profession by writing straightaway, won’t you?Bob@JewsforJesus.org.au We’d love to hear from you.



We are delighted you have joined us today. Please join us next week and learn with the others how you can stay on track in 2021 and beyond.   I hope to see you next week as Passover is almost over as we continue our studies in Joshua.  You will certainly see yourself in the readings and in the lessons. Line by line. It will be worthwhile!  Next week we will look at chapter 6 and see what lessons we can draw for ourselves from Jericho-- another major event!

Hope to see you then… until then, Chag Pesach s’meach and Shabbat shalom!





Butler, Trent C., Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 7. Joshua. Word, Waco, 1983.

Davis, Dale Ralph, Joshua: No Falling Words, Christian Focus, Fearn, Ross-shire, Scotland, 2019.

Hess, Richard. Tyndale Commentary Complete. 

Meyer, F.B., Joshua and the Land of Promise, Christian Literature Crusade, Ft Washington PA, 1977.

Sanders, J. Oswald, Promised-Land Living, Moody Press, Chicago, 1984.

Weirsbe, Warren. Be Strong: Putting God's Power to Work in Your Life. David C. Cook Publishing, Colorado Springs, 2010.


D-Groups for this week

1)              Tuesday 11 am Sydney time. Led by James Howse

2)              Monday 7 pm, Sydney time, led by James White

(Contact our office for zoom details)

If you’d like to host a D-Group either online or in person, please contact bob@jewsforjesus.org.au for further details. It’s time to step up. Ponder this—who will be in your D-Group?


The Book of Joshua:   Outline. (This is the current plan for the series)


E.     Entering the Land (Chapters 1-4)

a.     Chapter 1: A funeral and a promise (Leadership Lesson 1)

b.     Chapter 2: A harlot saves the day 

c.      Chapter 3: Go against the flow (Part 1)

d.     Chapter 4: Go against the flow (Part 2)


F.     Taking the Land (5-12)

a.     Chapter 5: Roll away iniquity: a study in sacraments 

b.     Chapter 6: Joshua fit d’battle ob Jericho

c.      Chapter 7: Getting it very wrong: Achan and his mistakes

d.     Chapter 8: Combat and Covenant

e.     Chapter 9: Common sense is not so common

f.      Chapter 10: Southern dominance

g.     Chapter 11: How not to win

h.     Chapter 12: God is faithful


G.    Possessing the Land (13-21)

a.     Chapter 13: Inheritance lessons

b.     Chapter 14:  For example

c.      Chapter 15: Geography lesson

d.     Chapter 16: Trends of note (Part 1)

e.     Chapter 17: Trends of note (Part 2)

f.      Chapter 18: Apportionment (Part 1)

g.     Chapter 19: Apportionment (Part 2)

h.     Chapter 20: Provisions (Part 1)

i.       Chapter 21: Provisions (Part 2)


H.    Retaining the Land (22-24)

a.     Chapter 22: Can an altar alter anything?

b.     Chapter 23: Staying on edge

c.      Chapter 24: Three funerals and Renewing the covenant


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