20 August 2019

Starting well; ending well

The biblical book of Judges ends with this sentence: "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." (21.25) You could read that everyone did the right thing, but that's not the language of the Book. It's actually a description of waywardness, that people were setting up their own morality in direct contradiction to the morality of the Almighty. It certainly sounds like our days.

Michael Youssef wrote this last year, "Life in that society was not so different from life in our own postmodern, post-Christian, anything-goes society. These days, people avoid words like sin or disobedience. They prefer to justify their actions with phrases like, "Everybody does it," or, "The old rules don't apply anymore," or, "Times have changed." It's true that times have changed, and not for the better. But God hasn't changed. He still says to us, "You cannot receive blessings from Me while you live in disobedience. You can't have it both ways." (https://au.ltw.org/read/my-devotional/2018/04/doing-whats-right-in-gods-eyes)

The book of Judges has a wonderful description of good people and some not-so-good folks who made history in Israel in those days. My thought from this reading: What will the end of your days look like? What would someone (else) use to describe your endings? In other words, it's not how we start that makes us different, but how we end. 

I've made both good and bad decisions in my life, but what am I doing today, and tomorrow? What will my ending be like? Did I 'do what was right in my own eyes'.... or will I do what God intends? May my ending be up to snuff.

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