03 February 2019

Jewish people and the Church: A colloquium and workshop

THIS Saturday the 9th of February here in Sydney's east, a group of thoughtful people will gather to discuss and workshop the ideas that this title engenders. And you are invited to participate.
What about the church would make Jewish people want to join? What about Jewish people causes the church to be apprehensive or reluctant or nervous about sharing what they believe? What about the history of anti-Semitism? Could a Jewish person be a member of the church and still be a good Jew? When we say "the Jewish community," what do we mean? And how can that be filled by most evangelical (read: individualistic) churches in Sydney?

These are but some of the topics we will discuss and address in the 5+ hours together this Saturday.

All the information to register is here.  Meeting at Church in the Marketplace, just 100 metres from the bus and train interchange.

Saturday 9:30 a.m. (morning tea and registration)/ Bookstalls open.
              10:00 a.m.. Session 0:  A panel of Christian pastors from the Eastern suburbs share their experiences
              10:30 a.m. Session 1:  Who are the Jewish people of Sydney? What do they mean when they say, "Jewish community?"
              11:00 a.m.  Session 2:  What are some of the objections to Christianity Jewish people raise
              11:45 a.m.  Table discussions

              12:20    Lunch (bring your own or grab something outside in any of the nearby eateries) Bookstalls open.
                1:00.   Session 3:  Testimony of a Jewish believer. Why would I ever want to join the church? Answering the objections to evangelism at all!
                2:00    Session 4: Anti-Semitism and more table discussions/ Summary
                3:00      Ending.  Bookstalls final sales.

Registration information here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/jewish-people-and-the-church-what-are-the-questions-tickets-54629622672

Giselle Bruce

Kon Michailidis

Paul Cohen

Join us this Saturday 9 February. 

PO Box 925
Sydney 2001

Stop by our shop:  58 Bronte Road, Bondi Junction 2022
Phone:  1.800. MESSIAH. (637.742)


Anonymous said...

This looks like a very worthwhile seminar or whatever a colloquium is supposed to be.

Bob Mendelsohn said...

Thanks, anonymous, it was terrific. Great comments from the crowd and a desire for many to 'do this again' as we considered evangelism and conversation techniques, case studies and table talk. Join us (or maybe you did!) next time.

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