26 January 2019

If I could speak with Geoffrey Edelsten

I only know of two women, Brynne Gordon and Gabi Grecko. My guess is that in your 75 years you have had more than these two. Of course, there was that four-year marriage to your first wife, Leanne Nesbitt. But the recent two are the most public in the last few years here in Australia. And although I'm an American living here in Oz the last 20 years, I've never had the occasion to run in your circles, nor you in mine. 

But I've heard about you and your medical career. I've heard about these two women, each approximately 40 years younger than you, and each very beautiful and buxom and American. Each has had a very public career and public persona that the media love. Again, I don't know either of these two, and wish them only the best.

And I only wish you only the best as well.  You got back together with Gabi in November, the news here reported. That's got to be a joy for you. Listen, your activities since the 1980s are well known. You introduced 24-hour-a-day, medical bulk-billing super clinics complete with grand pianos in waiting rooms. Then in 1985 used some of your capital to buy the Sydney Swans AFL team. By the way, they are my team since I moved here from the US in 1998.

One might describe your career since then as being colorful. You were struck off the medical roll in NSW in 1988, and deregistered in Victoria four years later. In 1990, a Supreme Court jury found you guilty of soliciting hitman Christopher Dale Flannery to assault a former patient of one of your clinics.
You were also convicted of perverting justice by issuing hitman Flannery with a medical certificate that enabled him to postpone a murder trial, thus avoiding a particular judge. You then spent a year in jail, an experience you have described as "life-changing and shattering." I understand that and was in jail only about 2 days in Florida in 1971.

Back in 2010, when Brynne was on your arm, you had 40+ televisions in your apartment and 20 luxury cars in your garage. But life is more than possessions, and you have an impressive string of genuine credentials from reputable Australian institutions. Besides your original medical degree from Melbourne University, there is the bachelor of laws degree from New England University and master's degrees in law, health science, family medicine and sports medicine.
Much else about you might be open to question but your intelligence has never been in doubt. And as you are quoted as saying, "Jewish families think education is extremely important."
Your yichus includes Jewish families on both sides who came to Melbourne from Eastern Europe. All four of my grandparents were also Jewish, and two came from Eastern Europe. Your mum Esther was a Polish baker's daughter. My grandparents moved to the middle of the US into Kansas City, and my zayde was a baker from Ukraine originally.
You have experienced a lot of life, with plenty of friends and enemies, with jailers and wannabes. You have gone through heaps of cash and times of having very little. So, if we had 15 minutes together, what would we talk about? What would I want to tell you?
1) I'd want you to know that God Himself seriously loves you, and no matter what you did or didn't do with the hitman or with your previous wives or others in the clinics... no matter what... He loves you. And He knows all about what you did and who you are. Nothing is hidden from His view. And even so, and no matter how far you might think you can run from Him, or hide in another apartment with tighter security... He will find you and He will share His love with you.
2) I'd want you to know that your Jewish family is God's design as well. He made you a Jew and as such you should know our Book, that is, the Tenach, with its awesome history and intentional plans for us Jewish people. We make plans, but the Great Designer is never far from us, watching over us and helping us to make a good path in this dark world. We are not only chosen; we are also obligated.
3) I'd want you to know that riches bring a lot of 'friends' (Proverbs 19.4), but they may not last very long. And neither might the riches. Solomon was the richest and wisest man in his day (although some may argue about his wisdom in having 1,000 women at his beck and call) and when he pondered what he really wanted out of life, he wrote this:
Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion, that I not be full and deny You and say, “Who is the LORD?” or that I not be in want and steal, and profane the name of my God. (Proverbs 30.8-9)

4) I'd want you to know that Yeshua, the Jewish messiah, foretold in the Scriptures, is alive and well. And that there is a community of Yeshua-loving Jewish people in Melbourne and here in Sydney, who would welcome you as a brother. You don't have to arrive in a luxury car; you are welcome to come on the bus. Yes, you will probably be recognized, but not to be among us as a celebrity, only as a brother. And mate. And at the end of the day, isn't that what we all are craving? Being loved for who we are, not for what we bring? Of course, Gabi could come as well, no worries, but it's not a show; it's a family, a community, a place for you (both) to walk in love as Yeshua loved, and gave Himself as a sacrifice for us all. 
Those are some of the things I'd want to share with you, Geoff. If this doesn't ever happen, then maybe right where you are today on Australia Day, and with whomever you are, you might look up to heaven and pray, ask the Almighty for His direction in your life. Not a bad idea on any day, you know? All the best.

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