01 April 2017

The Good, the Bad, and the Unleavened and Confusion

The article by Aaron Lewin is a great read. We published it a bit early, and as it is now April, we have to share it with you again. Don't miss it this time.

Click on this hyperlink to read the article on The Good, the Bad, and the Unleavened. Thank you.

Happy Passover to our Jewish mates, Happy Easter / Resurrection Day to our Christian followers. We are not sure how pastel painted eggs became the rage about a holiday that notes the death of its hero, but apparently someone thought it a good idea.
Some things are just confusing. Is this an exit, or is it not?

What about these memes I found:
this one:

Confusion seems to be a regular feature in many lives. We often hear that, when we mention that we are Jewish people who believe in Jesus. WHAT? They want to know which side of the fence we really are on. They ask, "OK, fine, but do you attend church or shule?" As if being a Jew for Jesus is out of bounds for them. Therefore it has to be for us. But it isn't, is it?

After all, the Jewish prophets predicted a messiah would come. And it's recorded in the Jewish Scriptures (Holy Bible). So Jews told each other that when the messiah would come, things would be different. Not that we would or even could become non-Jews. By following the Jewish messiah foretold in the Jewish Scriptures, we are actually the most Jewish people out there!

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Hanukkah and Christmas.... similar but oh so different

What a great season it has been to remember what God did for us in this season so long ago. He spared the Jewish people at Hanukkah, allowin...