18 October 2016

Conjuring up images: Isaiah 60

Maybe I shouldn't use the term 'conjuring.' It might make you think of Macbeth or even earlier, as history shows, Shakespeare took note of The Three Witches or Weird Sisters or Wayward Sisters whose origin lies in Holinshed's Chronicles (1587), a history of England, Scotland and Ireland. But to 'conjure' is more than the witch's notion. Merriam-Webster says the simple Definition of conjure is
"1) to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic
2) to make you think of (something)
3) to create or imagine (something)"

OK, so I want you to imagine with me what Isaiah is saying in his wonderful passage in what we label "Chapter 60." Remember he didn't write in chapters like modern novelists do.

Is. 60.2 “For behold, darkness will cover the earth
And deep darkness the peoples;
But the LORD will rise upon you
And His glory will appear upon you.

I let my mind wander as I read and even memorised this passage a couple weeks ago. And I wondered what the Almighty was saying. Isaiah is talking to people who have been suffering in what he called 'darkness.' Some of that darkness is sin. Some of it is hopelessness. Some of the darkness is selfishness. Our gloom. When was darkness covering the earth, I mean, originally? Ah, of course. It was in Creation. See Genesis chapter 1. In the same way that the world 'came to be' in that time, God is saying through Isaiah something like this. In the same way you think it's all lost, that darkness is oppressive and settled and never moving, even then, God will break forth and bring His light. His glory will shine. It will rise (same word as sunrise) over you and bring hope and healing. You will not be suppressed by darkness; light will triumph.

Isaiah's message is so thrilling and comprehensive that it took 66 chapters to unpack it completely. If you want to listen to the podcast / sermon / Bible study group on Isaiah 60 which we conducted last Thursday, here is the link:
Isaiah 60 Podcast
And of course the entire series (up to chapter 60) is online at: Bible classes on audio Enjoy!

Photo of the three witches by painter Johann Heinrich Fussli
Photo of the sunrise taken in August 2015 by the author at Magnetic Island (https://www.flickr.com/photos/bobmendo/20378803856)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bob blessings Chile! !♡

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