26 July 2014

Thoughts on Israel/ Gaza Peace: A conversation

I thought I would put in one compilation things I've written or others have written that may help in the conversation viz Israel and Gaza war 2014. Follow the links, come back here, follow more links, and then comment. I almost always (99% of the time) publish what others comment. I want to hear from you. That's truth. And truth matters. Let's discuss...

You might have to copy and paste some of these URLs. Sorry about that.

Civil tragedy.  21 July 2014  Civil?

Where is real peace?  19 July 2014 Real peace

A video from Dennis Prager, American talk show host. A calm evaluation

After three teens were killed Pain and grief

Israeli ambassador on weapons depots on CNN Weapons depots
Not about Middle East, but Senseless shootings

My Facebook updates:
#pray4jfjisrael Praying from Australia for the healing of a nation and the people of Israel and Gaza. Especially JFJ there. (26 July)

My friend Matt Darvas wrote this piece today. What is your response? http://mattdarvas.com/2014/07/24/israel-vs-palestine/ (25 July)

After FAA went back to normalcy? FAA (25 July)

J Hirsch writes (Tablet Mag) "Israel’s operation in #Gaza is not causing deep-seated prejudices, it is revealing them." (24 July)

Would you board the same airplane (as M Bloomberg)  (23 July)

After FAA cancelled flights to Israel,
Not an easy time for global travel, or for anyone with sanity to get near the Hamas-driven regime in Gaza. (23 July)
I'm all for peace; let's be realistic about the costs involved. (16 July)

 At a time when tensions and bombs are heightening, this is good news indeed. (a repost of Israel ) (11 July)

Bob Mendelsohn shared ‎Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו‎'s status. From the Prime Minister of Israel. (9 July)


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