12 May 2013

Mother's Day 2013

She didn't know what to do by bobmendo
She didn't know what to do, a photo by bobmendo on Flickr.

I shot this photo in November in Israel, fascinated by the 'hands full' nature of motherhood anywhere, but certainly in the middle of Tel Aviv. And today is a big day for mothers everywhere, as the universal holiday of "Mother's Day" is celebrated and at least noticed across the planet.

Not everyone's mother is still alive and in this blended-family world not everyone even knows their birth or adopted mother. Some have two mothers. Some have none. I get that.

The Jewish religion after the time of Messiah Jesus has made the lineage of the child, the actual genealogical tribal linkage, to be maternal, that is, from the mother. So if your mother is Jewish, then you are. That's what they taught me in synagogue, although both of my parents were Jewish, so my lineage was never in doubt.

I don't think that's the way it was in Judaism before Jesus, but that's the general rule today.

At least that way Jesus was Jewish. His mother was. His grandparents were Jewish. All his original followers were Jewish. OK< that's sorted.

A strange phrase is found in the Newer Testament which you might have missed before. Galatians chapter 4 records, "But the Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother." (verse 26)

Wow, the community of faith, made up of Jews and non-Jews, who love the Risen Messiah Y'shua, this together is the mother of us all. Source of nourishment, and comfort, provision and love...all in the community of faith.

See you this morning at church.
See you in heavenly Jerusalem.
See you with Mom.

She knows what to do.

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