20 January 2013

You don't see him

18/365 Cutting concrete by bobmendo
18/365 Cutting concrete, a photo by bobmendo on Flickr.

This speedy saw is ripping through my street, and readying the drainage area for a new, replacement drain. That will be nice, I hope, and prevent the collection of the leaves and puddles in front of my driveway like it has for 14 years.

I like the power of the saw. I like the precision. I like the energy it produces and by which it runs. And I liked the fellow who was holding the saw and causing all the stir.

Except you don't see him, do you? You know he's there. How else will the saw be running so well and with such ease and propriety? I even put this photo in the 'set' (like a scrapbook) titled, "People at work." But you don't see the workman.

Next month is the Jewish holiday of Purim, the celebration of the saving of the Jewish people in Shushan when Esther, the queen, approached Ahashuerus the king, and managed to get the curse of death off our people. Great story. Well worth the read, if you haven't. It's in the short book of the Bible titled, "Esther."

One thing you will not see in the book, and this might surprise you, if you are new to religion, is that there is no mention of God in the entire little booklet. What? But surely they mention Him on every page, or every paragraph, right? Nope, not in this case.

You see results and effects of His being there. You see the reality of those who reject Him. But you don't ever see God. Just like you don't see the workman in this photo. He is, but he isn't.

Like a Broadway theater producer or director, the Living God is there, but not on stage. I can live with that. Maybe you can also.

Get to know Him. You will begin to see Him more and more, and in unlikely places. Like in your circumstances of life as well.

That couldn't hurt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such a great metaphor! The photo and words stuck with me for weeks, until I was finally compelled to print this out and share it with a group of teenagers. Your blog is an encouraging object lesson to hang onto when you are surrounded by lots of folks who believe the "saw" is working all by itself!

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