19 September 2011

Hollow, void, and empty space

I'm often amazed at natural phenomena. The way a bird soars above me near the cliffs of the sea, the erosion of massive rocks by gentle creeks, and such things as this hollowed-out tree. Thanks to SArcher for the photo. She lives in Arkansas in the USA.

What makes me look twice at this is the injured tree looks beautiful, but it's really harmed. That injury is what causes the tree to hollow. For much useful information about trees, especially for those considering buying a home with shade trees, see Tree Damage and get a pencil to take notes.

It's Spring here in Sydney, and throughout Australia, one of everyone's favourite times of the year. And back in the USA where SArcher lives it's almost fall. That's a time when things go into hibernation and slow down ...a lot! Many from Australia are traveling to the US now, to the Northeast where the autumnal colors are increasing and the yellows, reds, and browns all will highlight this slow down.

Eventually, of course, all things slow down completely and die.

I took this photo outside Bryan, Texas in Sleepy Hollow. Yup, that's the name of the town. And this is a real gravestone. No photoshop performed.

For some, death and dying are boring or decay-ridden. For others it's a beautiful experience. One thing is sure. It will happen to us and to all we love. And to all about whom we don't care. Life happens. Death happens.

That said, Y'shua said, "I am come than you might have life, and have it abundantly." (quoted in John chapter 10) God does not want our lives to be boring, or broken, but rather healed and restored. That's one of those good news messages of this time of (Jewish) year. We start over soon. The year is 5772. And God wants you to have full life, and full of life with Him.

Don't go through life hollow, decayed, broken, or void. Repent of your sins. Let Y'shua give you eternal life and get every hindrance out of the way until you can receive Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I am glad you found the picture inspiring and useful. S.Archer

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