10 July 2011

Another testimony and replacements

The testimony of Henry John Marks

Hugh Stowell says, "The redemption of the Jews is the hinge on which revolve the destinies of the human race." Wow, that's a massive statement, and Marks quotes this as part of why he wants to share his own story with us.

The language is archaic, and proper and formal. And yet it speaks to us today, if we have ears to hear. The entire testimony is free as a Google Book, and if you are in the US you can add Google Books for free to your iPad. We cannot do so here in Australia, but the web site Marks book here allows us to read it on our computer.

165 pages. Originally published by Thomas Printer, Eastgate Street, Chester. (UK) Written in December 1837.

OK, it's old, but let's not forget, we didn't start this messianic movement, and we probably won't be the last in it. We stand on the shoulders of many, thousands of others, who went on before us, and who made the way easier for us. Who prayed for us, even as we pray for those who will take up the mantle long after us.

Or are you praying for your replacements? I am! God, give them a heart of compassion for the Jewish people. God, give them grace and strength to share relentlessly and passionately the truths of the Truth. And make them pray-ers, who will pray for those who follow them in this work, as well.

1 comment:

Roger Bourne said...

Ha Messianic believers are what we are waiting and looking to. Dereck Prince left me with the distinct expectation that the Messianic age in which Jewish believers would become the leaders in evangelism and world exemplers of the truth that is they would be the leaders of the next move of Father Elohim that we were to watch for. That is why I count it as a great privilege to be associated with Jews for Jesus.
I am quite happy to admit that what was said 150 years ago is as relevant today as that which is being said today.
I know that the most incisive and definitive thinkers in my area of research are Jewish. It seems to be that if a Jew says it, it has substance. I can live with and learn from that. I can even live with the collorary that what I say will lack substance but that I am still to say it.
May we all help those who are being listened to whoever they are to the Jews first and then the Gentiles.

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