01 April 2010

Jesus, Take the wheel

Songwriter Brett James talks about Carrie Underwood's seven-week No. 1 song, 'Jesus, Take the Wheel,' which he co-wrote with Gordie Sampson and Hillary Lindsey.

That day started out to be a typical "day at the office." We wrote it at Hillary's house. We were trying to think of ideas, and Gordie walked in and said, "I have this title, and I don't know what to do with it: 'When Jesus Takes the Wheel.'" Hillary and I both laughed. I thought it was kind of silly, to be honest with you. I thought, "What in the world does that mean?" We kind of talked about it a while, then went around with five or six other song titles to write something else. We couldn't think of anything else and went back to Gordie's idea. Sure enough, we started writing it about the girl driving on Christmas Eve with a baby in the backseat of her car. It evolved into 'Jesus, Take the Wheel' soon after that. My wife had a similar experience to the girl in the song. My wife had a car crash when we were dating. She nearly died. Her car spun around several times and went under an 18-wheeler. She said she saw angels come help her.

She walked away with no injuries. I thought it was interesting that she had that same situation happen to her like the girl in the song. It became such a neat song because it touches people. Those songs are really special. We really had no idea who was going to record the song. When Carrie recorded it, it was one of those magical things when you get the right artist and the right song. This happened to be one of those songs. That will always be one of the most special songs to me.

That's how the author of the song describes it.

And maybe you have certain circumstances in your life where things are beyond you. And you need someone to drive. This weekend, this Easter weekend, when you ponder this, why not let Jesus, the Lord of life, lead you? Let him rule over you and guide you well. He's the Saviour and author of life. He knows how to drive. He wants to take your wheel. Won't you let him?

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