04 August 2005

Jewish Evangelism Seminar

This Saturday morning, 6 August, in Bondi Junction, we are conducting a Jewish evangelism seminar. From 10 a.m. (come at 9:30 if you want) a good class for serious Christians who want to learn how to share with others, specifically Jewish friends and colleagues. Cost is $15, ($5 for CMP members). One hour break at noon for lunch, ending at 3 pm. Morning tea includes bagels.

Address is: Church in the Marketplace
Corner Newland and Oxford Streets
Bondi Junction

9:30 for 10 a.m. Start.

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Hanukkah and Christmas.... similar but oh so different

What a great season it has been to remember what God did for us in this season so long ago. He spared the Jewish people at Hanukkah, allowin...