31 August 2006

Aug 31 and Islam

What will it take for the news about Islam to be more balanced? I'm watching a trailer by the honestreporting.com folks. It is a trailer of their movie Obsession. And it's fascinating. And is intended to blow the whistle on Islam. Will they be labelled intolerant? Will they be arrested like our Dannys in Australia? Will anyone who recommends this site click here be taken to the tribunal?

I hope not.

Let's seek for balance and truth and let the chips fall where they lie.

23 August 2006


Originally uploaded by bobmendo.

Who is protecting whom?

Israel and Hizbollah

If Hizbollah puts down their guns, there will be no more war.

If Israel puts down her guns, there will be no more Israel.

22 August 2006

Ewen's question

Hi Ewen
You wrote, "

How do you believe you are born again?

This is a very fundamental and serious question. It's useful to ponder in what context this term is used and how we should interpret things in thiese days.

I believe Y'shua used it to communicate the central issue of people who follow God...their faith. We are to demonstrate and live in faith to be born again. Specifically faith in a person and in the one-off actions of that person.

Being born again (read John 3) is the term Y'shua used to teach us to trust Him as the only way to heaven, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so he (Y'shua) would be lifted up on the cross. And that whoever puts their faith in that action of God would be born again.

John 3:16 is the most famous and oft-quoted text in the Bible. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

That sums up being born again Ewen and I hope this helps you and others.

All the best

Bob Mendelsohn, National Director
Jews for Jesus Australia
PO Box 925


Phone: +61.2.9388.0559
FAX +61.2.9388.0545
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If ringing from Australia, drop the +61 and add a zero.
If ringing from New South Wales, no need for the initial zero.

Bookshop: 576 Oxford Street,
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Banking information:
Australia: NAB: BSB 082.067
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God's best to you,

18 August 2006


It seems everyone is getting into this mySpace thing. So here you go

Check my little mySpace out

by clicking here

07 August 2006


Originally uploaded by bobmendo.

Some men put their treasures in the bank or on real estate journals, but I took mine with me to Long Beach this last month.

06 August 2006

Behold Your God final report

After 6 weeks away in NY, I'm pleased to report that the "Behold Your God" campaign was a massive
success. All the numbers are amazing; the statistics will blow you away. But
remember each number is a person. Each statistic represents numbers of people and
as such we are thankful to God for his love and power in bringing so many into
levels of interest never reached before.

Pass this one... it's awesome to ponder what God did.


August 5, 2006

For the month of July, Jews for Jesus was an unavoidable presence in the
greater New York area —the final stop of the organization’s “Behold Your God”
evangelistic campaigns, which covered every city (54 of them) outside of Israel
with a Jewish population of 25,000 or more.

This Grand Final pulled out all the stops, with over 150 staff and volunteers
from around the world conducting nine simultaneous outreaches to all five
boroughs of New York City, as well as Westchester, Northern New Jersey and Long
Island. Three other outreaches took place among the language groups—
Russian-speaking Jews, Israelis, and Yiddish-speaking Chassidim. The Chassidic campaign
included the mailing of Yiddish language DVDs of the life of Jesus to 80,000
Jewish households.

In addition, 450,000 direct mail pieces were sent to Jewish households,
1,800,000 evangelistic pamphlets (broadsides) were distributed, 6,410 enquirers
(3,695 [=57%] of them Jewish) who don’t yet believe in Jesus gave their details
for further ministry, and 502 people prayed to receive Jesus as their Messiah
(241 [=48%] of them Jewish) with our teams.

For those who didn’t receive a pamphlet or a mailer, there were the many
billboards, banners, full-page newspaper ads and subway ads that blanketed the
area. The theme, “Jesus for Jews” was picked up by 13 local and national
television news programs that covered the month-long campaign and a feature article
in every major newspaper including the Jewish press.

“I was asked the question “Who is your PR agent?” by several people who were
amazed at how the subject of Jews believing in Jesus was being discussed
everywhere,” said David Brickner, US executive director of Jews for Jesus. “In
response, I would smile and point upward. We really saw the Lord’s hand in
all of this. Over 700 area churches and individuals were praying for us daily;
thousands of others around the world were getting regular prayer requests and
updates. We have been able to partner with local congregations on the
follow-up and in all this, I believe, God is greatly honored.”

The evangelistic campaign did not escape the disapproval of the leaders of
the major Jewish groups in the city, who called the missionary group, “deceptive.
” But a Jews for Jesus staffer commented, “If they knew what we knew about
Jesus, they would be joining us in the proclamation of the gospel, not
opposing it.”

The Australian staff of Jews for Jesus participated the entire month,
including Bob Mendelsohn, national director, and Mark and Rahel Landrum.

02 August 2006

Interview with Mendelsohn

Read the interview here.

Geoff Robinson interviewed me and put this on his blogspot. Have a read...he's a good interviewer.

Lesson in Discipleship at C3

                           Lessons in Discipleship   A sermon given at C3 Prospect   Sydney, Australia Sunday 9 February 2025 By Bob Mendels...