10 April 2006

Book of Judas

I'm currently reading the information on the National Geographic website and the codex on the Gospel of Judas. It's certainly fascinating, and I haven't seen this much positioning since the movie, "The Passion of the Christ" came out a couple years ago. People already have their minds made up before they read or hear anything. I'm amazed.

Well, I'm a reader and so I want to know what all the hubub is about. In a couple days I'll have most of my thoughts worked out, but for now, let's all be humble, let's be glad about new information, albeit from a gnostic source in the 3rd of 4th century, but still ancient information. And let's see what the relevance is for us, in due course.

I'm reading more on the New York Times website also and should have my 'head wrapped around this' in a couple days.

At least I hope so. And at least the world is stopping for a moment and considering the issues of the First Century, the issues surrounding the Jewish sect of followers of Jesus, who claimed to be the Messiah and the Saviour of the world. And what role did Judas (the Grecified version of "Judah") have in this salvation?

That remains to broadcast. But for now, we will broadcast what we know to be the Truth: Jesus is the Messiah and Lord of all.

03 April 2006

What is Easter anyway?

This song may help put the whole thing in perspective. It's an American Country Western Messianic Jewish Gospel song..."He is not here".

Click here for the song.


Dear anonymous

Mate, I'm not sure what you mean by cheap and easy. I think it's the most significant book out there, and the Bible has stood the test of time and lots of other folks trying to knock it back. Yes, I use the Bible to demonstrate internal and external consistency. I don't need to justify the book; it helps justify me!



Bob Mendelsohn

Jews for Jesus National Director
PO Box 925 Sydney 2001 AUSTRALIA

576 Oxford St
Bondi Junction (in the shadow of Westfield)

Phone: 1.800.988.077 FAX 02.9388.0545 Mobile: 0414.754.180
(If ringing from outside Australia the free.call 800 will not work. So you have to ring +61.2.9388.0559. And ordinarily you must change the opening "0" for our country code "61")

or personal

Have a blessed day.

02 April 2006

Did they say that?

Did they really say that? (Australian Museum, Sales of units, Rorting Child Care) and more..

The National Museum of Australia opened five years ago. John Howard opened it. Some rumours floated in those days that there were secret messages, subversive messages, embeeded in the building. Now it's clear that there were. And they are revealed.
Conceived by architect Howard Raggatt as "one in the eye for John Howard" - as one critic put it - and the taxpayers who footed the $155 million bill for its construction, the chaotic structure on the shores of Canberra's Acton Peninsula featured giant braille symbols pressed into the anodised aluminium cladding.

"Forgive us our genocide" was one of the messages intended as a reproach to John Howard's Government for refusing to apologise for the mistreatment of Aborigines by previous generations.

"Sorry" was written in braille several times as well as "Resurrection city", a reference to a 1968 civil rights protest in Washington DC. Other messages were: "God knows", "She'll be right", "Mate", "Who is my neighbour?", "Time will tell", "Good as gold" and "Love is blind".

Meanwhile in Sydney, earlier this year Ilona Vogel considered selling her Woolloomooloo investment property to a neighbour for $550,000. Good thing she decided not to.
Yesterday the original Bourke Street terrace went to auction - and fetched the Maroubra widow $752,500, smashing the reserve by $157,500.

Of the 193 properties scheduled to go to auction across Sydney yesterday, 108 sold and 24 were withdrawn prior. The 56 per cent clearance rate was slightly down on last week's 61.1 per cent.

In other results, a two-bedroom house in Hutchinson Street, Surry Hills, sold for $570,000 and a four-bedroom house in Georges River Crescent, Oyster Bay, sold for $721,000.

Seems as though rogue child-care operators could be swindling taxpayers out of more than $100 million a year through widespread rorting of the payments system. A snap Federal Government investigation into Australia's 10,000 child-care providers has uncovered significant fraud.

The Sunday Age believes the investigation has uncovered widespread examples of operators falsifying the number of places offered at their child-care centres in order to receive extra child-care benefit payments.

The practice includes presenting family members and other people as children being cared for at the centre.

So what should we believe anymore? Can anyone be trusted to tell us the truth?

I believe there is a safety net under the person and the Words of Y'shua. He's the one we speak about often here. He's the one born in Bethlehem who had a tough go from the beginning, ridiculed, sidelined, marginalized, and scandalized. He was the one who taught in Jerusalem and died on the Roman cross about 2000 years ago. He rose from the dead, that's what Easter is all about, and lives to tell about it.

He's the one who gave the words to others who wrote them in the Newer Testament featuring the stories written by Matthew and Mark and John etc.

And yes, his words are to be trusted. He himself said, "the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken"(John 10.35) and again, "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away." (Mark 13.31) John recorded this passage for us from his talk to the disciples in Passover's seder at the end of his earthly life, "f ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. " (15.7)

Friends, I believe in the words of Jesus. I believe his words are spirit and life and that they are good news for everyone. Have you read what (else) he said? Have you listened to his words?

That's my recommendation and advise today. Hope it helps you. Bob

Lesson in Discipleship at C3

                           Lessons in Discipleship   A sermon given at C3 Prospect   Sydney, Australia Sunday 9 February 2025 By Bob Mendels...