27 June 2005

Broken Glass in Sydney

Some enemies of Jews for Jesus vandalized our Book shop again on early Sunday morning, throwing rocks through our plate glass window.

I have heard it said that to some it hearkens back to Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass [For more information on this German/Nazi event click here ]

We are not saying it is Kristallnacht at all. We don't think a skinhead revolution is next. However, this is now the 3rd time in 5 months these youth have done this damage to our shop. We continue to be in operation and so are the police. They have suspects; we have video footage. Some justice is sure to happen, soon, we hope.

We hope for these youth to find their bearings, to find their way in life, without criminal activity, without illegal actions against their neighbours. You can be angry, sure, for whatever reason, but you cannot be illegal in your activity of smashing glass. May God forgive them.

17 June 2005


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Photos from Melbourne


Jews for Jesusbobmendo's Jews for Jesus photoset

Bookshop in Sydney

Hi friends,
Not sure if you have been by for a visit at our bookshop, but it's well worth it, stocked well with books, Judaica, music, cards, even sale items. Come by and browse, get a free coffee or tea, sit and have a chat with one of us. We're happy to discuss the person of Y'shua in light of the Jewish Bible with you.

Lots of witnessing materials and tshirts along with shofars and talitot, kiddush cups and menorahs... whatever you need, we can probably get it for you. Stop in, won't you?

576 Oxford Street
Bondi Junction

In the shadow of Westfields where there is 2 hours of free parking. We are near VideoEzy and Bose, near Adelaide/Hollywood streets.

11 June 2005

JFJ Rapper?

50 shekel is a nickname of a world-famous Jewish rapper. The rabbis are warning people not to listen to him anymore. Not because of rap music. but because of his faith. Weird, eh? Rabbis on thought-police patrol. Seems bizarre to me. for full story see JFJ website on Rapper

He lives in the US.

07 June 2005

Muslim clear plans

This video is pretty forthright. It's from a couple weeks ago, probably filmed in Gaza in 2005.

Buckle your seat belt.


Lesson in Discipleship at C3

                           Lessons in Discipleship   A sermon given at C3 Prospect   Sydney, Australia Sunday 9 February 2025 By Bob Mendels...